Unleashing the Power of Transferable Skills in Stokvels
In our professional lives, we develop transferable skills—communication, planning, initiative, teamwork, and problem-solving—that form the bedrock of our success. Yet, it’s puzzling that when it
Stokvels Empowering Women: Celebrating Women’s Month
As we reflect on Women’s Month this August, it’s essential to recognize the pivotal role women have played in shaping stokvels. These collective savings groups
Exploring Africa’s Collective Savings Traditions
Exploring Africa’s Collective Savings Traditions
Elevating Stokvel Success: Embracing the 7 Pillars of Excellence
Stokvels (Savings and Investment Clubs) have stood the test of time as instruments of financial empowerment and community solidarity. However, to truly maximize their potential,
Discover the Significance of Safeguarding Your Wealth with Sinah Mabeba. KEY TAKE-AWAYS: We can’t all live a debt free life but where possible, avoid using
Stokvel-related robberies and thefts are most prevalent during the festive season, and members are urged by police to adopt reasonable measures to safe- guard their